George Fedoseev


UnsplashExplorer ver 1.0



Get a single page of photo results for a query.

query (string)Search query
collections (string)Unsplash public collection ID(‘s) to narrow search. If multiple, comma-separated.
page (int)Page number to retrieve.
perPage (int)Number of items per page. Default: 10, Min: 1, Max: 30
orientation (UnsplashPhotoOrientation)Filter search results by photo orientation. Available: Any, Landscape, Portrait, Squarish

Example Usage



Retrieve a random photo, given optional filters.

onlyFeatured (bool)Limit selection to featured photos.
query (string)Limit selection to photos matching a search term.
collections (string)Unsplash public collection ID(‘s) to filter selection. If multiple, comma-separated.
user (string)Limit selection to a single user.
orientation (UnsplashPhotoOrientation)Filter search results by photo orientation. Available: Any, Landscape, Portrait, Squarish

Example Usage


Downloading UnsplashPhoto